KNOW THY SELF & ADJUST YOUR PLAY ACCORDINGLY: People have deeply ingrained core values that are centered on the issue of money. Your ability to win consistently at Wall Street Craps is largely controlled by these underlying core values. So “Know Thyself” and play accordingly.
The famous Greek maxim “Gnothi se auton” (“Know Thyself”) is inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. For centuries, people seeking advice from the oracle at Delphi would read the inscription and throughout the years philosophers offered this same advice to their students — and I’m doing the same thing here. If you’re a person who has deep issues with self-esteem, impatience, fear, indecision, doubt, insecurity, or worry, then trading the stock market will probably not be a good fit for you. That’s because your natural habits or patterns of thinking will likely resurface under the stress of trading funds in your account.
A good lesson that one can learn about their own nature is summed up in the following line: “The way you do anything is the way you do everything.” So if you’re lazy and undisciplined in one area of your life, it’s highly likely that you will be lazy and undisciplined in your stock market trading. And in the latter case, your chances of succeeding in a challenging game like the stock market are very slim.
Once you understand more about your own natural behavior, it is perfectly okay to either: (1) take a healthy break from stock market trading, (2) quit playing the game all together, or (3) continue dabbling in the stock market with only small amounts of money, simply for the love of the game.
“The worship of money and the condemnation of money exist side by side, sometimes even within the same individual.”
Herb Goldberg and Robert T. Lewis ~ Authors of Money Madness (2000)